watching the latest Joe rogan podcast, the physicist.:

i’m trying really hard not to be a arrogant cuntface here, but these goddamn scientist cranks are fucking asking for it. seriously, this pencilneck has confrontationally brought religion TWICE during his rambly, self-important monologues on his glossolalia mathetmatics. he is seeking the fight, hes picking it out, because probably he was a miserable little kid that all the handsome christian jock stars picked on, teased him about beakers and shit. he has damage from a life where science is slept on, and religion embraced. and so this is his victory, his great conquering of jerusalem, the gauge symmetry theory — which really just sounds like a poor man’s way of saying nature is smarter than man, and you know exactly WHY BECAUSE GOD

tbh tho, hes a nice appreciative man. his love of science is what makes it great that he does science. NOTICE: its his LOVE that makes the science important and great, and have impact, not his expertise. at some point, in the middle of a feverish gauge symmetry analogy involving rulebooks and chessboards and black pawns, someones must ask, so WHY DO I CARE??? his answer: because it helps us appreciate the universe. that means the science makes him love the universe more and MORE AND MORE AND THAT IS FUCKING GOD. love is the heart of every religion and spiritual discipline; he has turned science INTO a spiritual discipline, his altar is the laboratory, and his prayers mathematics. but he has removed God from the equation, just like so many others; he is worshipping the beauty of #her creation and he doesn’t know it. so then he fucking attacks religion out of nowhere, out of the ether, his anger moves through the higg-boson field and gathers into a contentious sentence of nonsense. chump.

science without god is like a jerking off a cock with no balls attached; what the fuck are you doing ❤